Our Mission: The Father Son Adventure’s mission is to see men and families raised up to be actively engaged in a Godly life filled with peace and passionate purpose sensitively being led by the Holy Spirit.

Journey deeper into the heart of the Father and into the heart of your son. What is going on in his heart? Does he know what God is doing in your heart? Here’s a chance to have those experiences which will enhance your mutual understanding.


  • Growth in your relationship
  • Times of adventure and challenge
  • The beauty of the Colorado Rockies
  • Balance of luxury accommodations & outdoor rigor all in one week.
  • An excuse to be completely unplugged from the everyday pressures of life to focus on shaping biblical manhood.

Remember the song: “The Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin?

"My son turned ten just the other day, He said, "Thanks for the ball, dad; come on, let's play Can you teach me to throw?" I said, "Not today, I got a lot to do." He said, "That's okay." And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed and said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah, you know I’m gonna be like him. . . .

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me, he'd grown up just like me. - My boy was just like me.

“God has given those of us who are fathers a unique and powerful role to fulfill with our children. We influence them greatly, either for good or for ill. Some children grow up and vow that they will not be like their dads. They spend their whole lives reacting against their fathers. But even then the father is exerting a strong influence over the child. Hope­fully, as Christian fathers, we will bless our children with a rich legacy of the things of God so that they will want to follow Him all their lives.” S.J. Cole

Memories and discipleship begin when you say YES to time with your son and God.

Soul work and discipleship hit high gear as you forget about the office and fully engage with your son and what God is laying on your heart and his.

Your Guides:

Dr. Douglas Moorhead, Psy.D. Father of 6, Discipleship Pastor, Outdoorsman, Author. Passionate spokesman for discipleship.

Gary Burdick, M.A. Christian Leadership, Ex- Airforce Special Forces, Pastor of 29 years. Experienced outdoorsman, rock climber, winter camping expert, wilderness backpacker. (Michigan Only)

Your Journey:

Who: Fathers whose sons are between 12 and 40 who want to take the relationship new heights or bring about healing to a fractured relationship.

What: This highly intentional week focuses on teaching, interaction and conversation- stimulating adventure in a beautiful Colorado setting.


       Colorado: Needle Rock Lodge is located 5 hours west of Denver in the beautiful Gunnison National Forest of Colorado.

       Michigan: Timberdoodle Lodge in Michigan's Upper Peninsula 2.5 hours west of the Mackinac Bridge or 3 hours north of Green Bay, WI.

Why: Blessings from fathers to sons happens in pivotal moments - appointed times. God the Father demonstrated this in Matthew 3:16-17 when He expressed acceptance, approval, adoration and respect for His Son.  

Your Adventure & Topic Schedule

Day 1: Welcome                                    Topic:  Introduction and Overview 

Day 2: Orienteering or Rappelling    Topic: Telling our Stories and God’s

Day 3: Weapons Training – Hiking     Topic:  Need and purpose

Day 4: Overnight  Camp out                Topic:  An Adventure to Live

Day 5: Return from Camp out             Topic: A Battle to Fight

Day 6: Summit a Peak or a Canoe Trip     Topic: A Beauty to Rescue

Day 7: Celebration Wrap Up                        Topic: Next steps


More About The Week:

Our summer adventure is designed to help begin or continue YOUR legacy of godliness to the next generation!

A mixture of teaching times, individual guided conversations and great outdoor experiences will combine to empower fathers to:

  • Bless
  • Encourage
  • Embolden their sons

In an age where work can consume the best of fathers we provide an opportunity to achieve together, climb a mountain together, camp for a night, go rappelling and just BE together. We believe processing life together addressing our pasts and charting the future relationship will help us live with purpose. A week absent the normal distractions of everyday life in God’s beautiful outdoors can work wonders.

Why You Should Consider Attending:

"The Father/Son retreat at Needle Rock was an amazing experience for my son Turner and I. It was top-notch all the way. The lodging and location were majestic, and the food was great as each meal was better than the last. Our hosts were kind, godly people who reflected Christ in how they served us with joy.

Pastor Doug provided wonderful teaching about what it is to be a man of God, focusing on where the culture has it wrong and how our young men can choose the right path. It stirred up some needed conversations for my son and I, and I confessed some of my past mistakes to him.  Meanwhile he was able to bond well with the other young men during free time.  

The hiking trips were great, as there was a great sense of achievement in scaling an 11,000 foot peak on our last full day there. The overnight campout with just my son was also a real highlight.

This was the most intentional and focused time I’ve had with him in years. I would recommend this trip to any father looking to both
bond with and call out the man in his son. It was well worth the expense and time to get to and from the lodge."

- Jesse -