What to Wear & Pack 


Summer temperatures in the Colorado mountains are fairly predictable, but unfortunately, so are afternoon thunderstorms at high altitude. When packing clothes for your mountain trip, take into account that Colorado's weather changes rapidly, and pack clothes that can easily be layered to accommodate the changes. While nighttime temperatures are usually pretty temperate, its still a good idea to bring long underwear and warm pajamas just in case. Sunglasses will protect your eyes, and a wide-brimmed will protect your face, head and neck from the sun.



Colorado's high elevation puts you at high risk of exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays and sunburn is extremely common during all seasons. Stock up on plenty of high SPF sunscreen and lip balm to protect your skin throughout your trip. The semiarid climate of Colorado may also dry out your skin, so a bottle of lotion may also come in handy. Ticks and mosquitoes are prevalent in the mountains. Bring along bug repellant spray that is formulated to repel both of these pests. Other basic toiletries to bring include deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner. Make sure all of your toiletries are non-scented to avoid attracting wildlife.

With everything listed, You can always cut corners on cost and be comfortable-tennis shoes vs. waterproof Merrils,  cheap rain gear because most rain is quick and gone but can be used when it is cold, non-moisture wicking even though it improves the experience.  Most things you find on this list, you already have!


Colorado list of equipment

Remember……It is not how much you can carry but how little you can carry and still be comfortable!

Each person needs the following minimum : a list for camping and backpacking – feel free to expand as we are in the lodge 5 of six nights:

  • Ibuprofen for altitude headaches,  epi pen or other personal medication
  • 1 gallon sized bag of snacks you like (gum, hard candy, mints, snickers…this is your sanity bag!)
  • One long sleeve, One short sleeve, One pair of shorts
  • One pair of pants (sweats or water proof pants with zippers to turn into shorts)
  • Fleece or sweatshirt
  • Light jacket for cover to keep bugs off
  • Long johns or tights
  • 1 stocking cap
  • Gloves-jersey for warmth or to keep bugs off
  • 2 pair underwear
  • Rain top and bottom
  • 2 pair blister free socks
  • Good hiking shoes or even tennis shoes can work
  • 1 pair of light water shoes-a brand that will hold little to no water
  • Flashlight or headlamp of some kind
  • Bug Spray!
  • Fishing pole, reel, small tackle box and lures


  • light stocking foot waders (you can survive and fish well without them but they do come in handy and give an advantage at times but not always),
  • GPS
  • Camera
  • Brimmed hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock
  • Personal hygiene- deoderant, toothbrush and paste, chapstick, moleskin, skin lube